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Cirie Investe Nei Lettori Di Domani Con Nati Per Leggere I Libri Diventano Protagonisti Fin Dalla Culla

CiriƩ invests in the readers of tomorrow: with Nati per Leggere, books become protagonists right from the cradle

The Nati per Leggere project arrives in CiriƩ: free books for newborns and support for families

The Nati per Leggere project, promoted by the Italian Cultural Ministry, the Italian Health Ministry and the Italian Pediatric Association (SIP), has arrived in CiriƩ. The project aims to promote reading from an early age, providing free books to newborns and offering support to families in creating a stimulating reading environment for their children.

The project is coordinated by the CiriƩ City Library and involves the participation of the CiriƩ Health Center, the pediatrician Dr. Roberta Tamietto, and the volunteer association "Amici della Biblioteca" (Friends of the Library). The project is aimed at all families with children aged 0-6 years.

How the Nati per Leggere project works

Families can register for the project at the CiriƩ City Library or at the CiriƩ Health Center. Once registered, they will receive a welcome kit containing a book, a reading guide, and information on the project's activities.

Families will also be able to participate in free reading workshops led by trained volunteers. The workshops will provide parents with tips and strategies for reading to their children and creating a stimulating reading environment at home.

The benefits of reading to children from an early age

Reading to children from an early age has many benefits, including:

  • Improved language and literacy skills: Reading to children helps them develop their language skills, including vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension. It also helps them learn to enjoy reading, which is an essential skill for success in school and beyond.
  • Enhanced cognitive development: Reading to children helps them develop their cognitive skills, including problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. It also helps them learn about the world around them and expand their knowledge.
  • Stronger parent-child bond: Reading to children is a great way to bond with them and create special memories. It also provides an opportunity for parents to talk to their children about important topics like feelings, values, and relationships.

The Nati per Leggere project is a great way to promote reading from an early age and give children a head start on success. If you live in CiriƩ, we encourage you to register for the project and start reading to your child today.
