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Cari Blog Ini

Leap Card Student

Unlock Discounted Public Transport Fares with the Leap Card

Types of Leap Cards for Students and Young Adults

Young Adult 19-25 Leap Card

Individuals between the ages of 19 and 25 are eligible for the Young Adult Leap Card. With this card, you can enjoy a 50% discount on adult public transport fares.

Student Leap Card

Third-level students aged 16-18 or 26 enrolled in full-time education can obtain a Student Leap Card. This card also provides a 50% discount on public transport fares.

Eligibility and Application

To determine your eligibility for a Leap Card, you will need to provide proof of age and student status (if applicable). It is not currently possible to pause or save a Child 16-18 or Student Leap Card application and complete it later.

Where to Purchase a Leap Card

You can purchase a Leap Card at the following locations:

  • TFI Leap Card website
  • Dublin Bus ticket offices
  • Luas ticket machines
  • Irish Rail stations

The type of Leap Card you are eligible for will be determined based on your age at the time of purchase.
